
Server Management

We have a range of server management options available for customers requiring hands-on assistance in the ongoing operation of their cloud server.

Select the desired management level during checkout and a Mammoth Professional Services team member will make contact to discuss your hosting requirements in detail.

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Server Management Plans

Service Monitoring

  • Phone Support
  • Service Restart on Failure
  • Alarm on Failure
  • Uptime Records
  • $27     /Month

System Management

  • Service Monitoring +
  • System Upgrades
  • Web-hosting Panel
  • Firewall + Performance Monitoring
  • $64     /Month

Application Management

  • System Management +
  • Software Installation
  • Initial Migration
  • Anti-Virus + Intrusion-detection
  • $91     /Month

Server Management Feature Guide

  • Environment Management

    We will monitor the network and host node to ensure they are available, and will respond to environment faults 24/7.

  • Control Panel

    You will have 24/7 access to mPanel to restart, power-cycle, upgrade or downgrade your plan, access the server console for fault diagnosis, check performance history, and much more.

  • Email Support

    You may contact us via email about issues related to our control panel, billing, and our network/host environment. Support is provided from 9am-5pm AEST on business days, and on an as-available basis outside of these hours.

  • Phone Support

    You may call us about service issues, our control panel, billing, and our network/host environment.Support is provided from 9am-5pm AEST on business days.

  • Service Restart on Failure

    We will monitor and alarm selected services on your VPS. On failure, we will log into your server and attempt to restart the failed service. If the service is not restored following a restart, we will pass the fault to you for resolution.

  • Alarm on Failure

    You may elect to receive an SMS or email when a monitored service fails.

  • Uptime Records

    You may access a full history of your monitored services uptime (availability) and performance (latency).

  • System Upgrades

    We will confirm a suitable time with you to install operating system updates, and keep the operating system up-to-date around your schedule.

  • Web-hosting Panel

    License and installation of WHM or Windows-equivalent included at no cost.

  • Firewall

    We will work with you to establish who needs access to what, and then configure the firewall appropriately.

  • Performance Monitoring

    We will monitor the performance of your VPS, and alert you to unusual usage patterns or advise you when we think a VPS upgrade is required for optimal performance.

  • Software Installation

    We will discuss what application/s you need configured and installed, and will install anything that has a suitable installation guide.

  • Initial Migration

    We will migrate up to five websites from your existing provider to your new server.

  • Anti-Virus

    We will install a suitable anti-virus and respond to alerts.

  • Intrusion-detection

    We will install a suitable Intrusion Detection System and respond to alerts.


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Then speak to this guy, he brings his own cables to work.


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